Students may enter the school through the front office entrance or from the 1st floor door located on the West side of the building near the bridge/parking lot. The 1st floor door will be locked at 9:15 a.m. and all students who are not on campus by that time will need to enter through the office and be marked tardy. STUDENTS ARRIVING TARDY MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT AND SIGNED IN.
Supervision is provided starting at 9:00 A.M. Please do not bring your child to school before that time since there is no supervision.
All parents/visitors must report directly to the school office. The office personnel will provide information and assistance in an effort to keep classroom interruptions to a minimum.
Minimizing classroom Interruptions – Every effort is made to minimize classroom interruptions. Please help us with the following guidelines:
Make sure your child is well prepared for school each day. Classrooms are not interrupted to deliver homework, lunches or messages.
Prior to your child coming to school please communicate with him/her how they are getting home (i.e.: bus, pick-up, or going with a friend). Doing so, will prevent end of day interruptions during class instructional time.
Classroom treats/birthday celebrations need teacher approval (please notify teacher 24 hours in advance). With teacher approval, snacks will be given to students during recess. Note: Due to allergies some snacks may be DENIED